The police on Friday arraigned three men before an Iyaganku Magistrates’ Court, Ibadan, for stealing two phones and a laptop worth N1,046,000.
The defendants are Momoloso Waris, 24, Taiwo Adio, 27, and Adeshokan Dauda, 27.
The trio were charged with conspiracy and theft.
The prosecutor, Insp. Sikiru Ibrahim, told the court that the defendants committed the offences on December 18, 2021, at about 9:00 a.m., at NNPC, Apata area in Ibadan.
Mr Ibrahim alleged that the defendants with others still at large stole an iPhone worth N420,000, one Samsung phone (N193,000) and one laptop (N433,000).
He told the court that the stolen items belonged to the complainant, Samuel Fakorede.
According to him, the offences contravene sections 516 and 390(9) of the Criminal laws of Oyo State, 2000.
The defendants, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Magistrate S.A. Adesina granted each of the defendants bail of N100,000 with one surety each in like sum and adjourned the case until June 16 for hearing.